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  1. MA International Relations

    LJMU's innovative International Relations MA provides a grounding in key theory while examining in depth issues of enduring international significance.

  2. MA Strategic People Management and Practice

    LJMU's Strategic People Management and Practice MA focuses on the practical application of knowledge, in different organisational contexts, business sectors and areas of operation.

  3. MSc Sport Coaching

    This LJMU Sport Coaching Masters enables coaches to analyse and critically reflect on their personal coaching practice, providing the skills to coach at elite level.

  4. MSc Sport Nutrition

    LJMU's Sport Nutrition MSc is taught by academics dedicated to researching athlete-centred nutrition and extending contemporary understanding of exercise metabolism.

  5. MSc Sport Nutrition | Part-time

    LJMU's Sport Nutrition MSc is taught by academics dedicated to researching athlete-centred nutrition and extending contemporary understanding of exercise metabolism.

  6. MA Strategic People Management and Practice

    LJMU's Strategic People Management and Practice MA focuses on the practical application of knowledge, in different organisational contexts, business sectors and areas of operation.

  7. MA Journalism

    An NCTJ accredited vocational programme taught using industry-standard facilities so you gain the hands-on experience you will need in your day-to-day work as a journalist.