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  1. Rachael Hennigan

    Rachael is the Principal and Chief Executive at Hugh Baird College. She is passionate about post-16 education and was inspired to study at LJMU thanks to her own school PE teacher. She is incredibly student focused, ensuring that young people and adults from Merseyside can gain better skills which will enable them to seek out better lives.

  2. Dr Pooja Saini

    Pooja is a Reader in Suicide and Self-Harm Prevention in the School of Psychology, having joined LJMU in 2018. For more than a decade, her dedication to researching suicide has taken her out of the lecture theatre and into the field, playing a vital role in helping to establish James’ Place, the first safe, accessible service for suicidal men in community settings.

  3. Paul Lewis CBE

    Read the full oration for Paul Lewis CBE on the Award of their Honorary Fellowship from Liverpool John Moores University.

  4. Astrophysics Research Institute

    The Astrophysics Research Institute is one of the world's leading authorities in astronomy and astrophysics. Find out about our areas of expertise, our researchers, public engagement and educational programmes, and read through our publications.

  5. Postgraduate study with LOOM

    LOOM is accepting PhD applicants who wish to carry out research into the design and operation of large engineering systems, as well as research on operational research, including simulation, optimisation and evolutionary computation. Learn more about postgraduate study at LOOM and recently completed PhD projects.