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  1. Meet the Student Futures team

    Find out more about the Careers Team, the different roles they undertake and read our statements and guidelines, including our statement of service, equality and diversity statement, confidentiality statement and other useful information.

  2. Book a one-to one careers meeting

    Find out how you can book an appointment with our Careers Team advisers to discuss your options. You can take a mock interview, get your personal statement, application forms and CV checked, get interview advice and search for graduate jobs, internships, part-time jobs and work experience.

  3. School of Law debates Ukraine invation

    The School of Law held a discussion day on Tuesday on Vladimir Putin's invasion of Ukraine for people to learn more about the legal context of the war.

  4. International Business Management & Strategy Seminar

    The International Business Management and Strategy (IBMS) research group present a seminar on international business at Liverpool Business School.  The purpose of this workshop is to bring together expert practitioners and academics in contemporary areas of international business to discuss historical and current trends in international business. In addition, to examine strategies for international business in the digital era, best practices and how researchers and practitioners can bridge the knowledge gap. The seminar is structured under four key areas of interest  - social media, artificial intelligence, business solutions and emerging markets.