Travelling to Exchange Station
Here you will find information about travelling to Exchange Station including maps, directions and advice to help you find us.
Here you will find information about travelling to Exchange Station including maps, directions and advice to help you find us.
Check out some graduate testimonials.
By formally recognising an institution’s commitment to supporting student-athletes, the TASS Dual Career Accreditation Scheme aims to allow athletes to reach their potential in education alongside achieving success in their sport.
The LJMU Staff Disability Network is open to staff whom identify as having a disability (physical, hidden, mental and long-term health conditions), in the first instance.
Get in touch with the Placement Learning Support Unit
Students from the U.S. who are planning to study, or currently studying at LJMU can find out what they need to know if they have a change of circumstances and how this might affect their entitlement to federal student aid.
Students from the U.S. who are planning to study, or currently studying at LJMU, can find out how to apply for in-school deferment on their federal loans.
Find essential LJMU key contacts for academic and student support. Connect with advisors, faculty, and services for guidance and assistance.
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