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  1. Gary Blacker

    Gary is a paramedic science graduate of LJMU with over two decades of experience in the ambulance service. He has now made the transition to become a full-time member of staff at the university, teaching the next generation of health professionals. In 2023 he was named as an Outstanding Teacher at the students’ union awards after being nominated by his students.

  2. Printing, printers

    All the information you need to print and top up your virtual purse at LJMU.

  3. Rachael Hennigan

    Rachael is the Principal and Chief Executive at Hugh Baird College. She is passionate about post-16 education and was inspired to study at LJMU thanks to her own school PE teacher. She is incredibly student focused, ensuring that young people and adults from Merseyside can gain better skills which will enable them to seek out better lives.

  4. International guides

    Download copies of our international prospectus to learn more about the city of Liverpool, our courses and how to apply for a degree with LJMU.

  5. CPD Video Content Production

    CPD course that will allow you to practice and apply a range of professional video production techniques. You will be given the opportunity to develop skills in video production, animation and motion graphic practice and creative production.

  6. CPD Practice Education for Paramedics

    This CPD course is designed to enable Paramedics working in a variety of settings to develop person-centred and reflective approaches to supporting and assessing learning in practice.