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  1. Forensic anthropology

    The Forensic anthropology group is committed to the development of protocols and guidelines to increase the reliability of the recovery, documentation and analysis of human remains. We provide casework consultancy for forensic anthropological analysis, facial approximation and mass grave excavation. Find out about our work by viewing our publications, collaborations, research areas and people.

  2. MA Social Work

    As a prospective future social worker, your ability to present yourself in a professional manner will be assessed, along with other areas, such as your passion for the vocation, and awareness and knowledge of the role.

  3. Fellowship in Action

    Explore how our Honorary Fellows play an active role in the life of the University.

  4. Sigrid Olthof

    School of Sport and Exercise Sciences - Sigrid Olthof

  5. Management Knowledge Transfer Partnership (MKTP)

    Management KTP (MKTP) is a programme part-funded by Innovate UK, designed to inject significant management expertise into companies in order to expand business capability, increase efficiency and enable lasting change and growth.

  6. Associate Deans for Diversity and Inclusion

    The purpose of the Associate Deans for Diversity and Inclusion is to support the University in driving forward the equality, diversity and inclusion agenda at Faculty and Professional Services level and ensure local issues inform the Diversity and Inclusion overall approach.