Travelling to Aldham Robarts Library
Here you will find information about travelling to the Aldham Robarts Library including maps, directions and advice to help you find us.
Here you will find information about travelling to the Aldham Robarts Library including maps, directions and advice to help you find us.
Forms for Collaborative/Partner college student use only
American students interested in studying at LJMU can apply for a private loan via Sallie Mae. Find out the application process and eligibility requirements for private loans.
American students planning to study, or currently studying at LJMU, will need to understand their obligations to repay their federal or private loans. This section provides that information as well as repayment options and what to do if repayment becomes a problem.
Good news - Visible Bodies Anatomy and Physiology is now accessible to staff and students both onsite and off.
Access information for the John Lennon Art and Design Academy.
Simulation-based educators should read this book, particularly those who are involved in designing programmes of training or who are responsible for designing the simulator environment and purchasing equipment.
Sedentary behaviour expert, Sophie Carter, explains why binge watching TV is detrimental to your health.
LJMU students and graduates are invited to apply for positions in a team of marshals helping to keep our buildings COVID-safe in the new academic year.
A LJMU student was astounded after a private message to marketing guru Steven Bartlett landed him a job within 10 minutes.