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  1. Brain and Behaviour Research Group

    In the Brain and Behaviour Research Group within RISES, we study human motor behaviour from the neural level through to perception and cognition. Our two main areas of research are sensorimotor neuroscience and expert performance and learning.

  2. Social behaviour, ecology and conservation

    Our interest lies in the evolution of animal societies and the interactions that occur within these societies and their link to emotion, cognition and communication. We primarily study primates (including humans) but also other species including birds. Find out more about the Social Behaviour, Ecology and Conservation Research Group's work, collaborations, publications and meet the research team.

  3. Low Carbon Lancashire Innovation Project

    Working with businesses in Lancashire to create innovative low carbon goods, processes and services. Business assistance is free in most cases, find out how the LoCal-i project can help your company.

  4. CPD Developments in Renal Care

    In this CPD course you'll enhance your knowledge, skills and attitudes in relation to current renal clinical working so you can deliver high quality patient/client-centered care.