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  1. CPD Emergency care

    This continuing professional development (CPD) programme will equip you with skills and insights on the latest developments in emergency care.

  2. CPD Emergency care

    This continuing professional development (CPD) programme will equip you with skills and insights on the latest developments in emergency care.

  3. Gary Blacker

    Gary is a paramedic science graduate of LJMU with over two decades of experience in the ambulance service. He has now made the transition to become a full-time member of staff at the university, teaching the next generation of health professionals. In 2023 he was named as an Outstanding Teacher at the students’ union awards after being nominated by his students.

  4. Lorraine Shaw

    Lorraine Shaw was the Subject Lead for Nursing in the School of Nursing and Allied Health from 2013 until her retirement in 2023. As a registered nurse since 1987, practising in a range of clinical areas, her ties with LJMU began in 1992 when she needed a degree to progress with her career and enrolled with LJMU while continuing to work full-time for the NHS, and later venturing into teaching and management.

  5. CPD Violence

    In this CPD course, you'll critically examine a range of key issues related to violence and health from international, national and local perspectives.

  6. Ebenezer Banahene

    Ebenezer is a senior lecturer in adult nursing and was recognised by the Royal College of Nursing for his work in supporting refugee nurses to obtain registration in the UK and to work for the NHS.

  7. Information for Master of Pharmacy Placement Providers

    The MPharm Pharmacy programme offers students the opportunity to develop as a key healthcare practitioner with an advanced understanding of the science-basis for practice, leading students to become an 'expert in medicines'.