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  1. School of Nursing and Advanced Practice

    At the School of Nursing and Advanced Practice, we’re delivering impactful projects that integrate education and research, promote innovative service delivery and improved patient care. Find out about the School of Nursing and Advanced Practice's research, courses, facilities and career opportunities available to nursing and healthcare graduates.

  2. CPD Pathophysiology Advanced Practice

    CPD course designed to advance the knowledge of experienced clinical health professionals working in environments where a knowledge of pathophysiology is essential to practice.

  3. CPD Pathophysiology Advanced Practice

    CPD course designed to advance the knowledge of experienced clinical health professionals working in environments where a knowledge of pathophysiology is essential to practice.

  4. Centre for Port and Maritime History

    The Centre for the Port and Maritime History focuses on port cities and examines their relationship to maritime ventures and enterprise. Research examines: urban history, British merchant marine advertising, Liverpool and the British Empire in the eighteenth and twentieth centuries.

  5. Qian Zhang

    Faculty of Engineering and Technology