Travelling to Avril Robarts Library
Here you will find information about travelling to the Avril Robarts Library including maps, directions and advice to help you find us.
Here you will find information about travelling to the Avril Robarts Library including maps, directions and advice to help you find us.
On occasions, staff incur expenses, most often in relation to travel, and they are entitled to reimbursement. The University will reimburse actual and reasonable business related expenditure in accordance with the maximum rates specified within the Inland Revenue dispensation.
Good news - Visible Bodies Anatomy and Physiology is now accessible to staff and students both onsite and off.
Policies relating to LJMU's Academic Misconduct: Academic Appeals Form, Academic Appeals Guidance, Academic Misconduct Panel Proforma, Academic Misconduct Panel Protocol, Academic Misconduct Policy, Criminal Convictions, Guidance notes for students, Hearing Protocol, Protocol for investigating officers, Student Complaint form, Student complaints procedure.
As a Printer for Elder Dempster Lines, Graham Austin sometimes worked 18-hours a day and was responsible for printing the menus, programme of events and stationery for the ship’s various departments. Listen to Graham's interview.
Academic Board Nominee
Making sure you refer to someone by the correct name (during face-to-face interactions or in written format such as emails), can make a world of difference and demonstrates your dedication to equality, diversity and inclusion.
The Teaching and Learning Academy assist in the admin, interpretation and results' dissemination of surveys, the outcomes of which inform teaching practice and improve the student experience.
Redeployment vacancies register - list of jobs currently available
This guidance outlines the detrimental impact of assessment bunching on students and offers suggestions on how this can be managed in programmes.