eHealth could close the gap on increased diabetes rate in ethnic communities
Improving patient outcomes
Improving patient outcomes
Sport scientists and astrophysicists prepare school children for demands of space travel
Understanding the lives of early people
Liverpool will become a leading authority on policing following the launch of the University's Centre for Advanced Policing Studies.
An international team of scientists, led by the China University of Geosciences in Beijing and including palaeontologists from the Liverpool John Moores University, has shed new light on some unusual dinosaur tracks from northern China. The tracks appear to have been made by four-legged sauropod dinosaurs yet only two of their feet have left prints behind.
The evolution of the menopause was ‘kick-started’ by a fluke of nature, but then boosted by the tendency for sons and grandsons to remain living close to home, a new study by Liverpool scientists suggests.
"We have a chicken and egg situation, which is unsustainable"
Following the close of the elections for 6 posts on the Academic Board, the results are now available.
Thursday 16 July 2015
The prestigious titles are awarded to those who have made an outstanding contribution to society, or an outstanding achievement by an individual in a given field, resonating with the ethos of the University and the city of Liverpool.