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  1. LJMU and Shakespeare North

    Planning permission has been granted for a new £19 million Shakespeare theatre for Prescot, Knowsley, which will have education at its heart.

  2. Elvis and The Beatles

    As BBC2 marked the 50th anniversary of a momentous meeting between Elvis Presley and The Beatles, LJMU lecturer Jeff Young penned a drama for the occasion inspired by the secret meeting that took place in Elvis’s Bel Air mansion in 1965.

  3. Art and Science Exchange

    On Tuesday 27th & Wednesday 28th August 2019, the MA Art in Science programme at Liverpool School of Art and Design hosted an Art & Science Exchange workshop with members of the Biochemical Society. The exchange was held at the John Lennon Art and Design Building, in the Public Exhibition Space and X-Gallery amongst the MA Art in Science student's end of programme postgraduate exhibition, which showcases the outcomes of their three month research projects. These projects served as a basis for investigation of specific art-science interactions, and were supported by open discussions, hands on activities and a Liverpool LASER talk.

  4. Grants and Projects Update

    New Grants and Projects (GaP) software which provides LJMU with a collaborative creative environment for anyone applying for external funding and professional services to work together on bid and project proposals.