CPD Understanding Addictions
In this CPD course you'll be able to assess different models of addiction and the mediators and moderators of addiction, with a focus on drug and alcohol addiction as major public health risks.
In this CPD course you'll be able to assess different models of addiction and the mediators and moderators of addiction, with a focus on drug and alcohol addiction as major public health risks.
CPD course designed to advance the knowledge of experienced clinical health professionals working in environments where a knowledge of pathophysiology is essential to practice.
In this CPD course you'll enhance your knowledge, skills and attitudes in relation to current renal clinical working so you can deliver high quality patient/client-centered care.
This continuing professional development (CPD) programme will equip you with skills and insights on the latest developments in emergency care.
In this CPD course you'll enhance your knowledge, skills and attitudes in relation to current renal clinical working so you can deliver high quality patient/client-centered care.
CPD course that will develop your knowledge and competency in the area of health improvement.
In this CPD course you'll develop your skills as a potential producer of research, along with your ability to systematically evaluate research outcomes from a variety of sources and using a range of data analysis techniques.
CPD course aimed at paediatric nurses designed to expand and develop your skills in the assessment and management of common childhood problems.
This Continuing Professional Development (CPD) course aims to develop your leadership skills to implement initiatives to optimise medicines for the wider population both within an organisation and between healthcare sectors.
CPD course to develop an understanding of psychosocial suicide prevention approaches, and apply psychosocial suicide prevention approaches in practice.