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  1. Prepare for learning and studying

    Whether you are studying at university for the first time or returning as a postgraduate student, our academic staff are here to ensure you have an amazing teaching and learning experience.

  2. Dr Scott Foster

    Scott is the PhD programme leader with responsibility for the doctoral students in our business school. Having followed a path into the miliary at just 16, gaining only one GCSE, Scott came to study for a degree at LJMU later in life, eventually gaining a PhD before becoming a member of staff and now inspiring others to follow in his footsteps.

  3. Clean Growth UK

    Join Clean Growth UK and drive green innovation. Access university expertise, R&D funding, and support to develop sustainable products and services.

  4. SDG 4 - Quality education

    LJMU have a dual focus on quality on education through curriculum delivered in Liverpool and via our external engagement activities. We have committed to feature sustainable development as part of our taught courses, and we’re making efforts to decolonise the curriculum. We’re committed to our local community, delivering training for secondary school students in climate, chemistry and astrology.

  5. SDG 6 - Clean water and sanitation

    At LJMU, we’re making efforts to address our water usage by installing efficient water dispensers, harvesting rainwater and using low-flush toilets in our buildings across campuses. Locally, we are promoting sustainable energy on Hilbre Island and internationally we are proud to champion the voices of islanders in the Philippines through documentaries shared at the United Nations World Ocean’s Day.