Membership and mentorship
LIFE membership and mentorship Forms
LIFE membership and mentorship Forms
The data protection statement will clear up any enquiries you may have about how we use and pass on your personal details when it comes to accommodation applications.
Since 2011, the international IAHR/WMO/IAHS training course on stream gauging has been organized in six countries around the world by recognized hydrometry experts.
From Liverpool FC to Everton or wakeboarding to climbing, explore the vast range of sporting activities available within the city, and start your adventure!
School of Biological and Environmental Sciences
Dr Sasha Kosanic is an interdisciplinary scientist whose research focuses on answering complex questions about climate change and the impact it is having on nature and societies. She is also an advocate for inclusion in education, as a former Paralympian and a scientist living with Cerebral Palsy, she looks to highlight inequalities wherever she finds them and to drive forwards change in research and academia.
Liverpool School of Art and Design
Keynote speakers
Professor Barry Drust introduces RISES 20 Years, 20 Stories.
School of Psychology