Performance Indicators and Benchmarking
Find out more about the range of indicators the University uses to monitor its performance in relation to its strategic aims.
Find out more about the range of indicators the University uses to monitor its performance in relation to its strategic aims.
The Maintenance team is responsible for keeping the University's buildings "fit for purpose" we oversee all minor works, repairs, reactive, long term and planned preventative maintenance. Find out more about our maintenance service.
The Student Information System is used for managing student information from the point of application to graduation.
Records are produced and received as part of business activity. They provide evidence of our decision making and activities and enable us to evidence that we are complying with our statutory obligations.
Find out more about Directed Study Week, five days of workshops and webinars that will help you make the most of everything on offer at the University!
Cycle Scheme and car parking
Member of the Board of Governors
Academic quality policies: AMR Procedures Manual, Contacts for advice on the annual monitoring process, External examining guidelines for staff, Guidelines for external examiners, Guidelines for validation and review, Light touch review method, Professional Doctorates Framework, RPEL Handbook, University Framework for Quality and Standards.
Shortlisting is the process of identifying candidates from the applicant pool who best meet the essential (and sometimes desirable) criteria set in the Person Specification for the vacancy they are recruiting to.