Programme and module information
Download the Programme guides.
Download the Programme guides.
By being a Disability Confident employer, Liverpool John Moores University is being recognised by going the extra mile in ensuring disabled people get a fair change in recruitment, promotions and any other opportunities.
Member of the Board of Governors and Audit and Risk Committee
Liverpool John Moores University is an exempt charity under the terms of the Charities Act 2011. Under the Charities Act 2011, universities are supervised by the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE) as principal regulator, which is charged with ensuring that universities fulfil their obligations under Charity law.
As academics, we all understand the importance of assessment and feedback in enhancing student learning and achievement. The institutional assessment and feedback policy provides a framework for ensuring that assessment practices are consistent, transparent, and aligned with learning outcomes.
While targeted towards men, the information on this page might be relevant to some transgender, non-binary and intersex people. We encourage all staff to share the information amongst their family, friends and colleagues. See the support and advice available to you.
This blog post highlights the use of eBooks.
The HR team have introduced a Hiring Manager Portal, available within our recruitment system – Hireserve. This will streamline the recruitment process and give Hiring Managers end-to-end control and visibility of their vacancies in one place, from initial request to advertise, shortlisting, inviting candidates to interview through to making an offer to your preferred candidate.
Professor Phil Vickerman, Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Student Experience
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