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  1. Graduation Review: Monday 9 July 2018

    Students from the Schools of Education and Natural Sciences and Psychology celebrated their success in the morning ceremonies, while the Schools of Pharmacy and Biomolecular Sciences and Sport and Exercise Sciences were recognised in the afternoon procession.

  2. Thought-provoking Roscoe Lecture

    Journalist and human rights activist, Rebecca Tinsley, delivered a thought-provoking Roscoe Lecture which delved into the human psyche, asking if genocide is part of our nature.

  3. Transatlantic research partnership in the arts

    LJMU’s School of Art and Design has agreed a five-year partnership with Transart Institute in New York City, which will see the two organisations offer a joint transdisciplinary doctoral programme from summer 2020. The aim of the programme is to create an exchange in research areas including contemporary art, art history, curating and exhibition studies, digital culture and technology.