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  1. Mariama Balde Djaura

    Mariama undertakes outreach work for the university, working with schools across the country to establish meaningful connections that help young students to realise their academic and personal potential. Inspired by her early life experiences, moving from Africa to Northern Ireland, and then the opportunities afforded to her by LJMU during her own studies, she is determined to help others and act as a role model.

  2. Valeria Carini

    Valeria completed her PhD in antimicrobial resistance with LJMU having fallen in love with the city during her Erasmus project. She became one of only five winners of the inaugural Pandemic Institute Student Excellence Awards 2022.

  3. Sir John Moores 1896-1993

    LJMU is proudly named in honour of Sir John Moores, a successful businessman who founded Liverpool’s famous Littlewoods retail and football pools company.

  4. Ricky Wang

    International student Ricky is studying media, culture and communications at LJMU and has embraced the cultural differences of Liverpool compared to his home nation of China.

  5. Professor Tom Reilly 1941 – 2009

    A leader in the development of sport and exercise science study in the 1970s and the first ever Professor of Sports Science in the UK.

  6. Rhian Griffith

    Rhian Griffith was LJMU’s Racing Team Manager in 2015 during her time studying for her master’s in mechanical engineering.

  7. Gary Millar

    Gary is an inspirational alumnus of the Liverpool Polytechnic. Using his background and expertise in computing, teaching and business development, he is truly one of Liverpool’s leading citizens, determined to make positive changes for the people of the city. From his work as a councillor, as the former Lord Mayor, and now as a diversity and equality champion, and ‘pay it forward’ evangelist and major fundraiser, he continues to help people, day in and day out, to reach their potential.

  8. Isaac Mboya

    Isaac is a trainee working on reception across campus and is one of the first employees at LJMU with the Positive Action Programme.

  9. Alex Medlicott

    Alex is the Co-founder and Director of Liverpool Arts Bar on Hope Street and in the Baltic Triangle, founded with the ethos of supporting and developing grassroots artists across the city, giving them a platform to showcase and celebrate their work. Along with three fellow LJMU graduates, they opened the bar in 2019, survived the Covid-19 pandemic and can now boast that they have the city’s go-to venues for creatives.

  10. Jamie Christon DL

    Jamie Christon is the Chief Executive of Chester Zoo and was chosen as one of 10 new honorary fellows during LJMU’s Bicentenary year. The honour reflects his work driving forward conservation at the zoo, preventing extinction in a changing world, and working collaboratively with organisations, partners, and visitors.