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  1. Shakespeare in a nutshell

    Shakespeare; creative genius, wordsmith and innovator, was also a man of the people. His influence on the English language has stood the test of time, and lines such as ‘in a nutshell,’ ‘mum's the word,’ ‘eaten out of house and home,’ ‘all's well that ends well" and ‘a wild goose chase’ are just some of those in common, everyday usage.

  2. Outreach programme takes pupils to London

    Local school children have visited University College London (UCL) as part of an LJMU widening access programme. Access All Areas is an initiative from LJMU’s Outreach team which arranged the first university exchange for year 11 pupils.

  3. Degree Shows 2020 go virtual

    Around 250 graduating artists and designers are reaping the rewards of a huge technological effort to exhibit all final year work on digital platforms as LJMU adapts to the new normal.

  4. Piltdown Man research on primetime TV

    LJMU’s Dr Isabelle De Groote appeared on the BBC’s primetime hit TV programme, The One Show, during a special feature on the famous Piltdown Man forgeries.