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  1. Anna Soubry MP visits Sensor City

    Business Minister, Rt Hon Anna Soubry MP, visited the site of the new Sensor City to see how the £15 million facility will revolutionise sensor technologies.

  2. Women in STEM lecture series: Chi Onwurah MP

    In 1984, there were 14 per cent of female graduates in engineering and technology courses. In 2015, there was still only 14 per cent of female graduates in engineering courses. This sad statistic formed the basis of an impactful lecture by Chi Onwurah MP about the gender imbalance in Science, Technology, Engineering and Technology (STEM) subjects and subsequent careers.

  3. Lessons from Nepal in Liverpool

    Liverpool John Moores University hosted the highly prestigious 14th British Nepal Academic Council (BNAC) Conference on 14th and 15th April 2016.

  4. In memoriam: Caroline Aherne

    It is with great sadness that the University announces the death of former student Caroline Aherne at the age of 52.

  5. 'Trust' is key to future of policing

    Merseyside Police Chief Constable, Andy Cooke QPM, cited enhancing trust within his own staff and the community as being one of his key priorities in leading Merseyside Police, as part of LJMU’s Chief Constable Annual Lecture Series.

  6. From Lab Bench to Backbench

    Dr Andreea Font from the Astrophysics Research Institute at Liverpool John Moores University is swapping a lab coat for legislation as she visits Justin Madders MP, at the House of Commons

  7. Is this the face of Robert the Bruce?

    Scientists and historians have joined forces to create detailed virtual images of what could be the head of Robert the Bruce, reconstructed from the cast of a human skull held by the Hunterian Museum.

  8. FactLab role in Lever Prize 2016

    The prestigious Lever Prize 2016 has been won by the Museum of Science and Industry (MOSI) for a joint project with FACT, involving FACTLab, a collaboration between FACT and LJMU, which explores the interaction between arts and science.

  9. A life of action

    The life of Eleanor Rathbone (1872-1946) was the subject of the latest Roscoe lecture, delivered by Dr Susan Cohen at St George’s Hall to mark the start of a year in celebration of her life. An audience of over 1,000 were given an insight into the achievements of this extraordinary Liverpool citizen who, born into a life of wealth and privilege, used her influence and position in society to campaign for social justice and dedicated her entire life to the service of others.