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Research and Knowledge Exchange
In the Brain and Behaviour Research Group within RISES, we study human motor behaviour from the neural level through to perception and cognition. Our two main areas of research are sensorimotor neuroscience and expert performance and learning.
This study, funded by the NIHR, intends to understand the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and associated lockdowns on children and young people (CYP) with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).
LCR 4.0 helps SMEs to increase productivity and de-risk innovation by supporting the development of smarter products, processes and supply chains through the adoption of new technological advances.
This fun session looked at a handful of big ideas making waves in the digital realm outside of education.
eDoc is the university’s online engagement and progression system which supports the doctoral journey, the policies and regulations that govern it and the common reference to progression stages.
School of Justice Studies
Astrophysics Research Institute
In 2022, Liverpool John Moores University renewed their Diversity Champions membership, to ensure the continuation of our LGBTQI+ staff feeling free to be themselves and to continue the work to increase the feeling of belongingness.