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  1. Sarah Maclennan

    Sarah is an award-winning member of staff and alumni of LJMU. Having completed her degree as a mature student, she now leads the Creative Writing programmes in the Liverpool Screen School.

  2. The Right Honourable Professor the Lord Alton of Liverpool

    Lord Alton had a long career in politics as an MP for Liverpool before becoming the founder of our Roscoe Lecture Series - delivering three lectures himself since the series began - and was a Professor of Citizenship at the university for some 20 years.

  3. Jason Boulter

    Jason supports staff, both individuals and teams, across the university to enhance their knowledge and to improve their skills as our Organisational Development Manager. Having graduated from LJMU in 1998, Jason stayed on in a temporary role working in student welfare and has remained at LJMU ever since. This year he celebrates 25 years working at the university.

  4. Lorraine Shaw

    Lorraine Shaw was the Subject Lead for Nursing in the School of Nursing and Allied Health from 2013 until her retirement in 2023. As a registered nurse since 1987, practising in a range of clinical areas, her ties with LJMU began in 1992 when she needed a degree to progress with her career and enrolled with LJMU while continuing to work full-time for the NHS, and later venturing into teaching and management.

  5. Dr Elizabeth Malone

    Elizabeth is the Head of Primary Programmes within the School of Education, and her own career in teaching brought her to work at the university. In 2023, she won a JMSU Student Experience Award, after being nominated as an outstanding teacher with students praising her for her support, empathy, and enthusiasm in all that she does.

  6. Professor Jason Arday profile

    One of the UK’s youngest Black professors, an LJMU alum and former lecturer who attributes the success of his academic career so far, in part, to the supportive leadership and peers here at the university.

  7. Rachel Stalker

    Solicitor Rachel founded LJMU’s free Legal Advice Centre in 2014, just one year after she joined the School of Law. Every year the centre helps hundreds of people through its free legal advice and public legal information activities, contributing significantly to the economic and social wellbeing of the Liverpool City Region, while developing our students’ skills to put them one step ahead in their professional careers upon graduation.

  8. Leigh Pomlett

    Leigh is an alumnus of the Liverpool Polytechnic, using the skills and knowledge gained from his business studies degree to propel himself into a successful international career in the supply chain and logistics sector that spanned more than 30 years. He now combines his professional expertise and life-long passion for football for his role as Co-Chairman of Walsall Football Club.

  9. John Goulding

    John is a PhD student with the School of Education. He is also ex-forces, having served with the RAF Police before leaving the military and beginning his own higher education journey. Alongside his studies, looking at research to support veterans, John is a student representative on our Armed Forces Steering Group.