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  1. Reporting later

    Find out more about reporting an incidence of sexual violence at a later time.

  2. Deposit your thesis

    See guidance for depositing your thesis into the LJMU E-Thesis Collection.

  3. School of Psychology staff

    Research Centre for Brain and Behaviour staff carry out high quality research in a range of areas such as developmental psychology, human factors, cognition, health psychology, consciousness and substance abuse. See the academic staff at LJMU's School of Psychology.

  4. Production Unit for Liverpool Screen School

    The Production Unit for Liverpool Screen School (PULSS) organises work opportunities for students from LJMU’s Liverpool Screen School. The work opportunities PULSS organise take many forms, from placements and live commercial projects through to extracurricular activities.

  5. Botswana

    See the international entry requirements for students from Botswana wishing to study at Liverpool John Moore's University.

  6. Nepal

    See the international entry requirements for students from Nepal wishing to study at Liverpool John Moore's University.