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  1. Targeted opportunities for disabled individuals

    Many large employers are becoming more proactive to recruit candidates with disabilities, neurodiversity and long-term health conditions. Some run their own schemes targeting disabled applicants, while others work with specialist organisations that manage the recruitment process on their behalf.

  2. Menstrual health research – Qualitative Analysis in Action

    Dr Kay Standing and Dr Sara Parker are currently completing a British Academy Small Grant Project on re-usable sanitary towel projects, assessing their wider impact on women's health and wellbeing in Nepal. Find out more about this research.

  3. Self-employment

    Self-employment can be well suited to disabled or neurodivergent students and graduates, if you find it difficult to keep up with traditional work.

  4. Welcome to 2020 – Panopto quizzes

    There is a recent flipped learning case study on the University of Sussex TEL blog. Sussex have recently introduced Panopto and also use Canvas so you may find this interesting and useful.

  5. Low mood and depression

    It is normal for our mood to fluctuate and for us to experience low mood from time to time. Low mood can include feeling sad, anxious, worried, tired, or even angry. Find out what resources are available if you are suffering from low mood or depression.