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  1. MSc Cyber Security

    LJMU's Cyber Security MSc enables students with computing and related experience to further their studies in this challenging and much in-demand sector.

  2. MA Education Practice

    Aimed at Early Career Teachers, LJMU's Education Practice MA is linked to the NQT year and early professional development needs.

  3. PG Dip Senior Leader Apprenticeship—Business Administration Scale Up

    This Senior Leader Apprenticeship [SLA] programme provides you with knowledge, skills and capabilities needed to lead and support your organisation in continued sustainable growth, and also offers you a unique university postgraduate qualification. It aims to transform participants into confident business professional

  4. MA Film | Part-time

    This hybrid MA enables students to develop practical and theoretical skills in film production and analysis. Studying on this course affords you the opportunity to study in one of the UK's most dynamic cities.

  5. MSc Sport Nutrition | Part-time

    LJMU's Sport Nutrition MSc is taught by academics dedicated to researching athlete-centred nutrition and extending contemporary understanding of exercise metabolism.

  6. MSc Forensic Anthropology

    This course builds on scientific learning from undergraduate level and provides the opportunity to demonstrate field research acumen.

  7. MA English Literature

    MA English Literature at LJMU offers you the opportunity to pursue advanced study, at the leading edges of the subject, within a vibrant community of scholars.

  8. MA Modern History | Part-time

    MA in Modern History will explore how societies use history and provides students with an understanding of the ways in which historians can take their skills and apply them beyond the university.

  9. MA Documentary

    This dynamic and practical Documentary MA from LJMU will develop your creative storytelling and multi-media production skills.

  10. MA Mass Communications

    LJMU's Mass Communications MA investigates the significance of media forms, the systems within which they operate and the challenges they face.