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  1. Expertise in Electrical and Electronic Engineering

    The Electrical and Electronic Engineering Research Centre have several research groups; the Applied Forensic Technology Research (AFTR) Group, the Control and Logistics Group, the Industrial Design Group, the Electric Machines and Drives Group, the Microelectronics Research Group and the Sensors and Communications Group.

  2. Access Courseloop

    Course Loop is LJMU’s curriculum management system that allows you to view and update course information.

  3. Applicant Days

    Gain valuable insights on the student experience, accommodation and courses from students and faculty members during our applicant days.

  4. School of Pharmacy and Biomolecular Sciences

    The School of Pharmacy and Biomolecular Sciences provides excellent teaching and innovative research across biochemistry, forensic science, pharmacy, biomedical science, virology, drug discovery, pharmaceuticals, and biotechnology.

  5. Clearing FAQs and next steps

    What is university Clearing? How can you secure a place at LJMU this September? All of your questions are answered through our guide to Clearing.