My experience working with orangutans
MRes English student, Lindsay Wilkinson shares her insights into the orangutan volunteer project in Indonesian Borneo.
MRes English student, Lindsay Wilkinson shares her insights into the orangutan volunteer project in Indonesian Borneo.
Have you ever stopped to think how essential electricity is in our lives? Graduates who studied Electrical and Electronic Engineering at LJMU tell us what the world would be like without it. Be afraid, be very afraid!
With the new academic year just around the corner, we’ve put together some useful advice to prepare you for starting uni this autumn.
Dr Ruth Odgen from the School of Psychology, a lead investigator on a new study into time under COVID-19 isolation, shares her thoughts with us.
Why maths is more than just numbers...
Whatever reason you're applying to uni through Clearing, our top tips can help you through the process.
When you think about your own school days, you might have had a furry friend to keep you company in the classroom – maybe a school hamster, rabbit or guinea pig. But what about a school dog?
Cara Shearer talks about International Women's Day and what it means to her.
Martin Coulby from the Astrophysics Research Institute talks about his own mental health issues and the importance of the Staff Disability Network at LJMU.
Students from LJMU share their Clearing success stories and highlight how it worked well for them.