Library contact details
How to get in contact with the Library team through telephone, email, library chat (LibChat), HelpMe and the Contact Us form.
How to get in contact with the Library team through telephone, email, library chat (LibChat), HelpMe and the Contact Us form.
Read about our recent Decolonising the Curriculum events that aim to promote awareness and share good practice.
Read the IT Terms and Conditions.
ECO-I North West offers businesses support to develop their ideas and innovations through our world class academic expertise and cutting-edge technology.
The Research Centre for Brain and Behaviour is involved in research in all areas of brain and behavioural sciences, applied psychology, cognitive psychology, sports psychology, affective neuroscience, psychopharmacy, animal behaviour, health psychology and mindfulness. Find out more about our expertise and what we have achieved.
If you're interested in becoming a Degree Apprentice, this section can help you understand the steps you'll need to take.
Find out more about the staff from the Mechanical Engnineering and Materials Research Centre. Read the MEMARC researchers profiles, publications and contact details.
LJMU takes your privacy very seriously. This privacy notice explains how we use your personal information and your rights regarding that information. We are committed to being transparent about how we collect and use your data and to meeting our data protection obligations.
Meet our Pioneers
The Built Environment and Sustainable Technologies Research Institute focuses on radio frequency microwave, civil engineering, and management, economics and planning research. Find out about our research areas, current projects, and meet the staff.