Conan Leavey
Public Health Institute
Public Health Institute
Find out more about the specific areas of expertise within the Research Centre for Brain and Behaviour, including: applied psychology, cognitive psychology, sports psychology, affective neuroscience, psychopharmacology, animal behaviour, health psychology and mindfulness.
See the Cardiovascular health sciences research group's publications.
Humanities and Social Science
Liverpool Business School
This course is a useful and evidence based course aimed at increasing the theoretical and practical knowledge of healthcare professionals involved in the care of people with diabetes mellitus.
Need more information about the work conducted at the Institute for Health Research? Get in touch with us.
In this CPD course, you'll critically examine a range of key issues related to violence and health from international, national and local perspectives.
This study will enable two mental health trusts across Cheshire and Merseyside to review eight A&E departments’ hospital data for patients who attend in suicidal crisis.
Nursing and Advanced Practice