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  1. MA Mass Communications

    LJMU's Mass Communications MA investigates the significance of media forms, the systems within which they operate and the challenges they face.

  2. MA Evidence Informed Practice

    LJMU's Evidence-Informed Practice programme is designed for 'in-service' criminal justice professionals who want to develop research skills.

  3. MSc Advanced Clinical Practice

    Apply for the MSc Advanced Clinical Practice masters degree at Liverpool John Moores University. Underpinned by the four pillars of advanced practice: clinical practice, research, education, and leadership and management.

  4. MSc Sport Nutrition | Part-time

    LJMU's Sport Nutrition MSc is taught by academics dedicated to researching athlete-centred nutrition and extending contemporary understanding of exercise metabolism.

  5. MSc Positive Psychology and Wellbeing

    LJMU's Positive Psychology and Wellbeing MSc promotes the human virtues, strengths and skills at the heart of happiness, wellbeing and a meaningful, engaged life.

  6. MSc Nursing (Adult)

    Study MSc Nursing (Adult) at Liverpool John Moores University. Two-year postgraduate masters degree, with fantastic clinical placements and student support. Funding support available.