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  1. Getting started

    There is no straightforward recipe for getting your work published, read our guidance and tips on how to get started.

  2. Graham Austin interview – Elder Dempster

    As a Printer for Elder Dempster Lines, Graham Austin sometimes worked 18-hours a day and was responsible for printing the menus, programme of events and stationery for the ship’s various departments. Listen to Graham's interview.

  3. Time domain astrophysics

    Within the time domain astrophysics research group, we are involved in major observational survey projects. We work on a variety of explosive transients, including galactic and extragalactic novae, type la supernovae, core collapse supernovae, and gamma rays bursts. The Liverpool Telescope is the workhorse of the group. Find out more about our research.

  4. Library service availability

    Find out the definition of and what service levels are available at different times of the year, week and day.

  5. Ave McKimmie

    Ave is undertaking her master’s in pharmacy at LJMU and is one of thousands of students who travel from different parts of the UK to study in Liverpool.

  6. Employers

    Welcome to our guide for placement providers.