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  1. ARI creates simulation of the Universe with realistic galaxies

    An international team of astronomers, including Dr Rob Crain from the LJMU Astrophysics Research Institute (ARI), have developed a simulation of the Universe in which realistic galaxies are created. Astronomers can now use the results to study the development of galaxies from almost 14 billion years ago until now.

  2. Liverpool welcomes London's Lord Mayor for the day

    The Lord Mayor of the City of London visited Liverpool this week to back a major growth strategy and new vision for the city region. The Lord Mayor, Alderman the Lord Mountevans, met with business leaders in the city region as part of a visit organised by Professional Liverpool and Liverpool in London.

  3. Gigantic giraffids

    Using the latest imaging technology, researchers have revealed more information about a prehistoric mammal, previously thought to be an elephant-sized, moose-like creature, which was actually a close relation to modern-day giraffes.

  4. Were sauropods swimmers or walkers?

    An international team of scientists, led by the China University of Geosciences in Beijing and including palaeontologists from the Liverpool John Moores University, has shed new light on some unusual dinosaur tracks from northern China. The tracks appear to have been made by four-legged sauropod dinosaurs yet only two of their feet have left prints behind.