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  1. Getting to grips with all things IT

    If you're new to LJMU, or if you're returning to studies but have forgotten things over the break, just take a look at our new guide brought to you by our very helpful IT team.

  2. How drone research is driving global technology

    Drone research at LJMU is branching out into new areas including working with Google Maps and Google Earth engines and introducing a ‘Civic Drones programme’ for the business community.

  3. In memoriam Professor Peter Fowler

    Former colleague Tony Hughes has shared a tribute about Professor Fowler’s life and incredible contributions in the field of digital education.

  4. Liverpool welcomes London's Lord Mayor for the day

    The Lord Mayor of the City of London visited Liverpool this week to back a major growth strategy and new vision for the city region. The Lord Mayor, Alderman the Lord Mountevans, met with business leaders in the city region as part of a visit organised by Professional Liverpool and Liverpool in London.