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  1. MSc Sport and Clinical Biomechanics

    LJMU's MSc in Sport and Clinical Biomechanics features extensive training in lab-based skills plus in-depth analysis of contemporary issues.

  2. MSc Biomedical Sciences

    Qualify for a career in the biomedical sector with this new masters programme designed in conjunction with local industry.

  3. MSc Biomedical Sciences

    Qualify for a career in the biomedical sector with this new masters programme designed in conjunction with local industry.

  4. MA Evidence Informed Practice

    LJMU's Evidence-Informed Practice programme is designed for 'in-service' criminal justice professionals who want to develop research skills.

  5. MSc Civil Engineering

    LJMU's Civil Engineering MSc provides a route to Chartered Engineer status. You will learn the skills required to excel in and lead a civil engineering team.

  6. MA Strategic People Management and Practice

    LJMU's Strategic People Management and Practice MA focuses on the practical application of knowledge, in different organisational contexts, business sectors and areas of operation.

  7. MSc Civil Engineering

    LJMU's Civil Engineering MSc provides a route to Chartered Engineer status. You will learn the skills required to excel in and lead a civil engineering team.