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  1. Exam self-care tips

    It doesn't matter how long you study for, if you don't look after yourself then your exam performance may be affected.

  2. New Year News

    This week we have a number of institutional TEL updates (some of which are biggies) that we would like to pass on.

  3. University structure

    Understand the organisational structure of LJMU, including academic faculties, departments, and administrative services.

  4. Student Futures Internships Programme

    In 2023 Student Futures ran a Green Internship Project with three LJMU students. Their assignment was to explore the area of Green Careers and Skills in more depth.

  5. Directed Study Week

    Find out more about Directed Study Week, five days of workshops and webinars that will help you make the most of everything on offer at the University!

  6. Academic Framework

    Academic Framework policies available in this section: Academic Framework summary of changes to regulations, Glossary, Postgraduate Regulations, Regulations in Practice, and Undergraduate Regulations.

  7. Staff Disability Network

    The LJMU Staff Disability Network is open to staff whom identify as having a disability (physical, hidden, mental and long-term health conditions), in the first instance.

  8. High performance computing at LJMU

    Prospero is LJMU’s high performance computing (HPC) facility for research. It is hosted and operated by the university’s IT Services (ITS) division, as a service to the university’s research community.