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  1. MSc Public Health

    LJMU's well-established Public Health MSc offers a research-informed learning environment reflecting latest sector developments.

  2. MSc Cyber Security

    LJMU's Cyber Security MSc enables students with computing and related experience to further their studies in this challenging and much in-demand sector.

  3. MSc Artificial Intelligence (Machine Learning)

    A very topical course, focusing on the development and application of tools and techniques of Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality with a view to forming capable professionals for the jobs market in this field.

  4. MSc International Public Health

    Study for an International Public Health masters at LJMU. This course offers a broad-based understanding of health and its social and environmental determinants.

  5. MSc Public Health

    LJMU's well-established Public Health MSc offers a research-informed learning environment reflecting latest sector developments.

  6. MSc Wireless Communications

    This course meets the requirements and significant demand for postgraduates in this exciting field, both within the UK and international markets.

  7. MSc Health Psychology | Part-time

    LJMU's MSc Health Psychology meets the training requirement for BPS accreditation. The course has a strong emphasis on psychological investigation and ethical issues.

  8. MSc Forensic Anthropology

    This course builds on scientific learning from undergraduate level and provides the opportunity to demonstrate field research acumen.

  9. MSc Data Science

    LJMU's cutting edge Data Science programme trains Scientists, Engineers and Mathematicians in this new field. It is taught by experts from two university departments.