Race Charter Launch: Keeping Race Equality on the Agenda
Race Charter Launch: Keeping Race Equality on the Agenda
Race Charter Launch: Keeping Race Equality on the Agenda
Drama students performed three consecutive performances last month at the Western Approaches Museum as part of the Battle of the Atlantic 80th anniversary commemorations, which culminate this May across Liverpool.
The seminar will provide an opportunity for exploration through some of the findings from the HEFCE funded project.
Director of Service Prosecutions and former United Nations International Prosecutor Andrew Cayley CMG QC FRSA made a ‘call to arms’ as he addressed the audience as the latest guest speaker at the LJMU Roscoe lecture series.
With the Battle of the Atlantic 80th anniversary just weeks away, our drama students are collaborating once again with the Western Approaches Museum. See their immersive performance at the museum on Monday 27 March 2023.
The Liverpool City Region is announced as a new £6.75 million UKRI Creative Cluster for the music sector.
Former colleague Tony Hughes has shared a tribute about Professor Fowler’s life and incredible contributions in the field of digital education.
In extreme sports, the consequences of athletes’ decisions can be life threatening. So what can we learn from moment of jumping?
Science communication