Search the LJMU website

  1. Local green spaces

    Find out more about LJMU green spaces, a series of projects taking place across the University with both staff and student involvement.

  2. Impact Hub

    See our full results and more detail about LJMU Research on our Research Impact Hub pages. On these pages, we showcase how research has an impact – in our teaching, in our city region and in the values our university lives by.

  3. Careers – Astrophysics Research Institute

    Employers appreciate the dedication and hard work that a degree in physics entails. With a degree from the Astrophysics Research Institute there are career opportunities in research or teaching and the transferable skills means there are opportunities for working in a wide range of sectors.

  4. Careers - School of Justice Studies

    The School of Justice Studies at LJMU aims to produce critically minded and employable graduates, who are able to make a significant contribution to their chosen profession on completion of their studies.