Travelling to the Redmonds Building
Here you will find information about travelling to the Redmonds Building including maps, directions and advice to help you find us.
Here you will find information about travelling to the Redmonds Building including maps, directions and advice to help you find us.
Nathan is a digital marketing graduate who now works for a creative agency. Inspired by one of his lectures, he came up with the ingenious idea to create an online profile for entrepreneur Steven Bartlett, who saw his work and invited him to join his team.
Nicola has more than 25 years of experience in primatology research and teaching, tracing her curiosity about primates back to her childhood growing up in East London and making visits to London Zoo. She is also an advocate for driving forwards inclusivity at the university.
Julia is an award-winning artist who specialises in documentary drawing and reportage. As an LJMU veteran of more than 25 years before retiring in 2013, Julia is our Bicentenary year Artist in Residence, capturing special moments through watercolour sketches to help record this significant moment in our history.
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Humanities and Social Science
Astrophysics Research Institute
Rachael is the Principal and Chief Executive at Hugh Baird College. She is passionate about post-16 education and was inspired to study at LJMU thanks to her own school PE teacher. She is incredibly student focused, ensuring that young people and adults from Merseyside can gain better skills which will enable them to seek out better lives.
Hannah is an impressive LJMU alumni and former British gymnast turned coach and now mother. During her career she represented England and Great Britain at competitions including the Olympics, Commonwealth Games, British, European and World Championships, all while balancing her studies as a sports scholar.
Explore resources covering the topic of intersectionality.