Travelling to the John Foster Building
Here you will find information about travelling to the John Foster Building including maps, directions and advice to help you find us.
Here you will find information about travelling to the John Foster Building including maps, directions and advice to help you find us.
Get expert financial advice and discover our top 10 budgeting tips from LJMU's Student Advice Team to help you manage your money.
As a student at Liverpool John Moores University you are entitled to lots of free IT related stuff, see what's available to you.
LJMU offers financial advice, bursaries, and support for estranged, independent, and foyer students. Discover the range of support available now.
This is a free-access learning resource that is hosted by the School of Humanities and Social Science at Liverpool John Moores University, and is inspired by a new version of Chamber Music, a book of poems published by Joyce in 1907. These pages provide video commentary on both the poetic and musical aspects of Chamber Music, as well as video performances of all thirty-six of the newly composed versions.
Key information about how we govern our university, our charitable status, the governors of the University and information about LJMU’s framework of governance, including financial statements.
Register as an alumnus of LJMU and take advantage of a range of services to help you progress in your career.
Get inspiration from other start-up businesses and find out how former students created successful businesses.
Liverpool John Moores University joined the Athena SWAN charter in 2014 and was first presented with an Institutional Bronze award in 2014, in recognition of ongoing work relating to gender equality. Since then, LJMU had a second successful submission of their Institutional Bronze award in 2017.
Find out what you need to open a UK bank account as an EU student at LJMU, and explore the types of accounts available.