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  1. Local green spaces

    Find out more about LJMU green spaces, a series of projects taking place across the University with both staff and student involvement.

  2. Liverpool Early Number Skills Project

    The Liverpool Early Number Skills Project investigates the influence of the home learning environment, language and cognitive abilities on children's early number skills. Find out more about this project.

  3. The Diversity and Inclusion Fund 2024 to 2025

    The University Funded Diversity and Inclusion scheme is a pot of money set aside to provide grants for supporting research initiatives across the University aimed at challenging discrimination and inequalities, increasing representation of under-represented groups, raising awareness of issues related to Diversity and Inclusion, and facilitating implementation of good practice at the University.

  4. Holistic Built Environment

    The Holistic Built Environment research theme is focused on sustainability related research problem including legal, social, economic, engineering, and management related aspects of Built Environment using novel approaches like digitalisation, Digital Twin, Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality and offsite manufacturing techniques.

  5. Astronomical Technology

    The Astronomical Technology Group is interested in optical and near-IR observations and the technology that facilitates them. Activities of the group include the operation of the robotic Liverpool Telescope and the development of its 4 metre successor.

  6. Nia Programme

    Find out more abut Career Development Programme for Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic staff.