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  1. Astronomers catch Tatooine multiple star system as it forms

    For the first time astronomers, including Dr Richard Parker, of the Astrophysics Research Institute at LJMU, have caught a multiple-star system as it is created, and their observations are providing new insight into how such systems, and possibly the solar system, are formed. The amazing images taken from a series of telescopes on Earth show clouds of gas which are in the process of developing into stars.

  2. Above us only stars

    A new project combining cutting edge astronomy with performance art was premiered at the European Week of Astronomy & Space Science (EWASS), organised by the European Astronomical Society and the Royal Astronomical Society in Liverpool on 3rd April.

  3. Why the menopause matters and workplace support at LJMU

    For the past two years, colleagues across LJMU have been working to better understand and recognise the type of support needed by those experiencing the menopause, and to devise ways to create greater awareness across the organisation.