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  1. CPD Preparation for Professional Midwifery Advocate

    The Professional Midwifery Advocate education programme aims to prepare registered midwives to achieve the standards and competencies required to successfully undertake the role of the Professional Midwifery Advocate (PMA).

  2. CPD Preparation for Professional Midwifery Advocate

    The Professional Midwifery Advocate education programme aims to prepare registered midwives to achieve the standards and competencies required to successfully undertake the role of the Professional Midwifery Advocate (PMA).

  3. Pete Dolan

    Pete is the Outreach Manager at LJMU, responsible for building relationships with schools and colleges and for delivering the university’s sustained widening access initiatives, targeting under-represented learners and disadvantaged communities. In 2023 he celebrated 25 years of working at LJMU.

  4. Our areas of interest and services

    The DisSPA network aims to provide a transdisciplinary space to connect members and allies who advocate for, and collaborate to, enhance the provision of more inclusive and empowering sport and physical activity opportunities for people with disability.