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  1. Microelectronics Group

    Researchers from the Microelectronics Research Group are investigating new technologies and materials. Members from the Group are also exploring ‘show-stoppers’ for optimizing digital/analogue circuits.

  2. Fitness to Practise - Faculty of Science

    For some professional programmes the University is required to make a judgement on a students' fitness to practise a certain range of skills and professional behavior. This is entirely separate from any academic judgment issues that the University is required to make.

  3. CPD Cell Technology

    This Continuing Professional Development (CPD) course will provide you with an understanding of cell culture relating to research and commercial exploitation.

  4. CPD Cell Technology

    This Continuing Professional Development (CPD) course will provide you with an understanding of cell culture relating to research and commercial exploitation.

  5. Lorraine Shaw

    Lorraine Shaw was the Subject Lead for Nursing in the School of Nursing and Allied Health from 2013 until her retirement in 2023. As a registered nurse since 1987, practising in a range of clinical areas, her ties with LJMU began in 1992 when she needed a degree to progress with her career and enrolled with LJMU while continuing to work full-time for the NHS, and later venturing into teaching and management.