Travelling to the John Lennon Art and Design Building
Here you will find information about travelling to the John Lennon Art and Design Building including maps, directions and advice to help you find us.
Here you will find information about travelling to the John Lennon Art and Design Building including maps, directions and advice to help you find us.
You'll find LJMU's finance strategy policy and guidance including: Anti Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Policy, Ethical Investment Policy, How to do Business with Liverpool John Moores University, Procurement Strategy, Sustainable Procurement Policy.
Find your place...we talk to Liverpool John Moores University student, Shraddha, about her experiences at the University.
Our Health and Social Care, Public Health and Environmental Health degrees will give you the knowledge and skills to shape both policy and interventions.
Find your place at LJMU...we talk to Kathyrn about her experiences at the University.
Pledge to contribute to nurturing and inspiring to drive Advanced Practice forward.
Learn about student finance at Liverpool John Moores University - from funding and fees, to scholarships and bursaries.
Liverpool Screen School
The Journalism department at Liverpool John Moores University is pleased to be hosting a free one-day conference on EDI in Journalism education on 26 June.
Open access to LJMU research data and publications.