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  1. Worrying trend of children 'in care' still living at home

    Researchers at Liverpool John Moores University are set to investigate a worrying phenomenon in the North West of England that is seeing increasing numbers of vulnerable children placed into local authority care yet remain living at home. 

  2. Disabled children to fulfil their potential through LJMU partnership

    A new interactive online training resource will help schools unlock opportunity and help disabled children reach their full potential. LJMU in collaboration with the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) have launched the project after statistics for attainment in primary and secondary schools show a significant gap between pupils with no identified special educational needs (SEN) and disabled pupils.

  3. World Mental Health Day 2019

    World Mental Health Day on October the 10th is the annual global celebration of mental health education, awareness and advocacy. Throughout the week starting Monday 7th– Friday 11th October LJMU Student Advice and Wellbeing Services will be delivering a range of activities and raising awareness to celebrate good mental health and encourage us all to look at what we can do to maintain and promote positive wellbeing.

  4. DaDaFest: The artistic flair to effect social change

    The HR team at Liverpool Business School are Project Evaluators for DaDaFest. Our role as project evaluators is to conduct a systematic assessment of the ongoing work at DaDaFest over three years. This role is a critical part of DaDaFest Paul Hamlyn award.