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Moni Akinsanya is Associate Director of Diversity and Inclusion and has worked at LJMU for over 16 years. She has led on many race and gender equality projects at the university and driven meaningful change, making sure the voices of underrepresented groups are heard.
School of Sport and Exercise Sciences
The Mechanical Engineering and Materials Research Centre (MEMARC) specialises in fracture and contact mechanics, wave propagation in lattices and microstructures, thermal fatigue and thermal striping, materials development and processing, as well as dynamics and control systems. You can find out more about these research areas and the projects MEMARC are working on here.
Liverpool John Moores University is an Armed Forces friendly organisation and signed the Armed Forces Covenant on 11 October 2021. Find out more information about our commitment to providing opportunities for people of all backgrounds and supporting them to flourish.
If you would like to contribute to or participate in any RIDE initiatives, including becoming a member of our RIDE Panel please contact Dr Tori Sprung.
The Forensic Research Institute partners some of the leading players in the public and private sector from government departments, police forces, local authorities to respected companies delivering forensic services and research institutes worldwide.
The Terriers Project within the Centre for the Study of Crime, Criminalisation and Social Exclusion is a collaboration with Edge Hill University. Find out more about this project.