The Football Exchange Women's Network services
Find out how The Football Exchange Women's Network aims to connect women working in football by offering opportunities for curriculum placements.
Find out how The Football Exchange Women's Network aims to connect women working in football by offering opportunities for curriculum placements.
Meet the Women Professional Services Network Officials
Find out more information about the free accommodation booking service through Liverpool Convention Bureau.
The Research Institute for Sport and Exercise Sciences (RISES) are a world-leading research institute, highly ranked in REF 2014. Our research staff have been awarded the Research Team of the Year 2015 by Educate North. Find out more about our expertise, people who work here, publications, learning programmes and our services.
The Electrical and Electronic Engineering Research Centre offer a variety of services to businesses and organisations, including testing and qualification of microelectronic and power devices, simulation and modelling of electric machines, as well as variable-speed drives and power electronic converters.
The Public Health Institute is involved in some important research. Read our case studies to gain a good summary of the type of projects we're engaged in.
Community Outpatient Psychotherapy Engagement Service for Self-Harm (COPESS)
This study aims to interview people supported by these services, the employees delivering this support, commissioners and key wider services who may have links to the services, including coroners, police, GPs and public health officials.
By interrogating data from coroner, primary care and A&E records, health psychologist Dr Pooja Saini identified a recurring theme; a lack of support and services for people in suicidal crisis, particularly within community settings.
Creating operational benefits and service improvements in an NHS Trust through leadership development